Sulle orme di una religione.
Footstep of religion.
by Simone Francescangeli -
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About the Book
Africa. Natura, contrasti, terra di umani fallimenti e di magie. Un viaggio in Etiopia. Un viaggio nella storia dell’uomo, un frammento di Italia, tra sacro e profano. Un viaggio tra leggenda e religiosità. Migliaia di pellegrini ogni anno, a piedi nudi, percorrono centinaia di km per tutta l'Etiopia sino a raggiungere la "Gerusalemme" d'Africa in occasione del Natale Copto: "Lalibela". Un vero e proprio esodo biblico. L'odore acre della polvere e di secrezioni umane, della povertà e della sofferenza impregna ogni angolo di questo luogo sacro. Derelitti, storpi, ciechi, uno sciame d'uomini tra musiche di tamburi di pelli di capra e balli sincopati, in una trance collettiva. Oblio della miseria umana verso una santità divina.
Africa. Nature, contrasts, a land of magics and human failures. A trip throught Ethiopia. Walking through the history of men, a fragment of Italy, between sacre and profane. Walking through myths and religions. Thousands of pilgrims each year, barefoot travel hundreds of kilometres throughout Ethiopia to reach the "Jerusalem" of Africa during the Coptic Christmas: "Lalibela". A really true biblical exodus. The acrid smell of dust, the smell of human secretions, the smell of human poverty and suffering, permeates every corner of this sacred place. Destitute, crippled, blind, a swarm of men between the music of drums of goatskin and syncopated dances, in a collective trance.
Neglect of human suffering to a divine holiness.
Africa. Nature, contrasts, a land of magics and human failures. A trip throught Ethiopia. Walking through the history of men, a fragment of Italy, between sacre and profane. Walking through myths and religions. Thousands of pilgrims each year, barefoot travel hundreds of kilometres throughout Ethiopia to reach the "Jerusalem" of Africa during the Coptic Christmas: "Lalibela". A really true biblical exodus. The acrid smell of dust, the smell of human secretions, the smell of human poverty and suffering, permeates every corner of this sacred place. Destitute, crippled, blind, a swarm of men between the music of drums of goatskin and syncopated dances, in a collective trance.
Neglect of human suffering to a divine holiness.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Large Format Landscape, 13×11 in, 33×28 cm
# of Pages: 46 - Publish Date: Apr 18, 2011
- Keywords , Photo foto fografico photographic portfolio etiopia ethiopia africa reportage sociale religion story history soul anima viaggio travel adventure avventura anima anime pellegrini pilgrims trip fotografia chiesa religione black white bianco nero tempo ritratti portrait time eye occhi natale christmas god dio touring club italiano consociazione turistica italiana tci cti 1938 addis abeba gondar lalibela axum ambe amba ambas dobre damo dobre dam dobredamo dobredam altiplan altiplans altopiano altopiani italia adua italy italian
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About the Creator
Photographer by passion. Soul on the road. He take shoots in a rush, led by the emotions and the desire to tell. With his eyes he tried to convey the soul and the dignity of humans. The every day man, that part of the world who does not live in the spotlight of the excesses. He likes to think that the every day life, the one that runs in the shadow of the weight of time, is made by the same man who wrote the story. Almost like an "Imagine ... ry" story-teller .